From the Star Trek Deep Space 9 episode “Shakaar“ (hat tip to QuidProStereo on Reddit for digging this up):
KIRA: This is about the future of Bajor. I can't shake the feeling that giving Winn control of the government is a mistake and she should be stopped.
ODO: Stopped from doing what?
KIRA: I don't know. Maybe, maybe I'm afraid that if she's given power, she's never going to let go.
ODO: Unfortunately that suspicion is not shared by the people of Bajor. They still admire her as the woman who made peace with Cardassia.
KIRA: Bareil made peace with Cardassia.
ODO: I know that, Major. But to the rest of Bajor, Winn is the real hero. In their eyes it took courage for her to conclude a treaty with a race that she herself had so bitterly condemned and fought against.
KIRA: I don't care what her popular image is. She is no hero. The only thing that she cares about is her own power. Why can't people see that? We spent so many years fighting the Cardassians. We spent so much time hoping and praying for a Bajor that was free. Now that we won, how can people just hand their freedom over to someone like Winn?
ODO: It has been my observation that one of the prices of giving people freedom of choice is that sometimes they make the wrong choice.